Saturday, March 26, 2011

trumpets on the horizon

pompes the dreaded
The Cure, clarion cry to
pomp and circumstance


Blogger Margaret Pangert said...

Hi Phil~ Very interesting, complex post. Thanks for the link to pompes. It made me understand the image as a string of dna cells that perhaps had been distorted because of the disease. The double image of the trumpet and clarion, both trumpets really that can really blast out a sound, made me wonder if indeed a Cure is near, or is it just more pomp and circumstance? One thing that gives hope and optimism was the postive quotations at the top of each person's photo.

3/26/2011 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is so much here in these three blue lines... reading the title i cannot help but to see trumpets blowing in the call to heaven... and the curse well a curse is a curse one must not turn yr back on... but a cure is a glorious future that is present right now... i will chose to believe in yes... i never knew of this disease... i can imagine as an infant it must be heartbreaking just as much as a shadow that appears one day and follows each breath... the body is a wonderful creation that just a tweek of a thread can change everything... thank you for this post full of heart...

3/26/2011 11:00 PM  
Blogger Noelle Clearwater said...

It is a post full of compassion and heart and it raises a deep awareness regarding a devastating affliction that few know about, yet it affects many. I am sure that rebecca will be deeply appreciative of your empathy and desire to find a cure. Thank you Phil for this heartfelt post.

Peace and Light,

3/28/2011 1:20 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

i am speechless.....
your thoughtfulness touches me so. my time in boston speaking to and for a brighter future for pompes.
chromosome 17.....changed the world as i knew it.

you are a true and thoughtful friend.

3/31/2011 11:03 PM  

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