Sunday, July 13, 2008
A Vagabond's Sketchbook
39° 44' N
86° 17' W
This blog dedicated to my father and mother.
view my character sketch...

Create Your Badge

The Weather

Old Book Shelf
etched in stone...
- reel life
- I know noth-ing!
- louder...LOUDER!
- crossing over....
- solitude
- 2nd Amendment, punk
- beautiful libraries
- summer
- fade in:
- optimism
Congratulations on your two year milestone, Phil! Your blog is a joy to read.
I love that you have pictured the vintage covers in your Library Thing feature. Most of my books are vintage, also, but just have the new Amazon covers on my sidebar. Did you scan them yourself? I like it.
Nice playlist. I love Jim Croce...and especially this particular song.
Thanks, Willow!
Most of my library is vintage too, and if you go deep enough into that site you can find some original covers.
Wasn't Remains of the Day a great book!? Did you see the movie first like me?
Croce was fascinated with Haiku. That's probably why most of his songs are no more than 3 minutes long.
I guess I didn't dig deep enough. I'll try again. I like the vintage covers.
Yes, I saw Remains of the Day, then had to read the book. It's a movie I can watch over and over. I'm always quoting from it and no one knows what I'm talking about!
I wasn't aware of Croce and Haiku...interesting.
Congratulations Phil. I second Willow... your blog is a joy. Thanks for sharing your wanderings with us. :)
I will remember this next time I travel, good advice Lao Tsu, thanks.
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